This June, the pilot phase of the European VINIMOB program has concluded, a program that since October 2019 has been co-led by CDR L’Olivera together with 5 European entities from France, Italy and Croatia.
This is a project derived from the Erasmus+ announcement that plans to design an international mobility program dedicated especially to people with different abilities or at risk of social exclusion linked to the winemaking sector.
This project is the natural continuation of its predecessor, VITIMOB, which was more dedicated to training and mobility in the vineyard work sector and now, with VINIMOBfocuses on winemaking in the winery.
Thus, during the second week of June, 10 students accompanied by their tutors, travelled to Catalonia, to put into practice “in situ”, in the L’Olivera winery, the training programs that have been developed within the framework of this project. During their stay, the students carried out different tasks related, on the one hand, to winemaking, such as bottling, labelling and packing bottles. These tasks were carried out in the L’Olivera winery in Vallbona de les Monges (Lleida).
On the other hand, in the winery that L’Olivera manages in Barcelona, in the Can Calopa de Dalt farmhouse, the students carried out tasks related to the field of wine tourism and customer service.

Create professional profiles and promote mobility
The Vinimob project, as well as its predecessor Vitimob, originated after more than 15 years of reflections and exchanges between different associations related to social inclusion in the wine industry, about the need to provide a professional path in the wine sector to people with special needs. A qualified and recognised route that allows them both geographical and sectoral mobility and provides the wine sector with greater quality employment.
The objective, then, is to generate a standardised professional profile at European level and some didactic tools to develop this professional profile, in order to promote practical learning through these tools and specific support for professionals who accompany the incorporation into the jobs of these profiles.
Currently, the theoretical dimension of the project has completed the standardisation phase of the jobs (characteristics, aptitudes, tasks to develop, necessary knowledge, etc.) and we are working on the design of the didactic supports for the people who take up these jobs and the people who accompany them in the learning process.
VINIMOB is a project co-created through the experiences of 6 projects that come together in this company: Avize (France), GB Cerletti (Italy), Stierkopf Environnement (France), l’Ecole Polytechnique de Pozega (Croatia), Agapei (Italy) and L’Olivera. All have similar philosophies in relation to the socio-labour inclusion of vulnerable people linked to the wine sector.
More information on the official website of the VINIMOBproject.