White wine
DO Costers del Segre


V89 is a tribute to our origins and our past. The origin: Vallisbona is the name that appears on a number of old documents related to Vallbona de les Monges (Campomonalium de Vallisbona). History: it all began back in 1989, when L’Olivera made its first steps towards its winegrowing adventure with a project that emphasised both the landscape and the people working there.

V89 synthesizes all the experience gathered around white winemaking and is also the summary of the L’Olivera oenological proposition. From our early intuitive feeling through to the certainty that this dry landscape of Corb Valley could offer us top quality and eloquent white wines using historical varieties.
This idea gave rise to V89, the Macabeo varietal fermented in oak barrels after a gentle overripening on the vine to achieve a special concentration that preserves its freshness while slightly boosting the alcohol content. The result is a complex wine, long in mouth and with a good capacity for ageing in the bottle.


ORIGIN: Grapes from the La Plana and La Vinyeta de Missenyora estates, the old grapevines of the Vallbona de les Monges monastery. Both are found on the main plain at the bottom of Maldanell Valley.
SOIL: Chalky clay soil with variable levels of stoniness and depth.
CLIMATE: The climate is continental Mediterranean, with cold dry winters and hot summers tempered by the soft evening breeze blowing in from the sea that cools the night, particularly during the ripening season. The scarce rainfall is concentrated in autumn and spring (350-450 mm yearly).


Macabeo (100%)

Vine growing

Certified organic dry land farming. Selected manual harvesting in crates (second round) from the best plots.

Wine processing

Fermented under controlled temperature in new French oak barrels. Aged on the lees for 8 months and stirred (battonage)weekly.


2018 vintage: 2.633 bottles

Technical sheet

V89 2018

Characteristics of the vintage

The 2018 winter was characterised by heavy rains (625 mm). This forced us to care regularly for the vine to ensure its proper quality. The good weather during the harvesting period enabled us to get the crop in under optimal conditions and at a balanced state of ripening. Harvest began on 5 September and ended on 17 October.

Viticulture and wine processing

Certified organic dry land farming. Manual harvesting with prior selection on the estates. Pressed whole, including seeds and skin. The wine is fermented at a controlled temperature of 15-17ºC in new French oak barrels. For V89 we source the best barrel-makers to make the wood a further ingredient, without making it too obvious and while upholding the varietal elegance of a unique Macabeo. It is aged on the lees and stirred (battonage) every week during the 8-month ageing period, creating a more full-bodied palate and subtly and elegantly incorporating the woody notes into the flavour of the wine.


Alcohol content: 13.5%
Total acidity: 4.1 g/l (sulphuric acid)
Volatile acidity: 0.34 g/l
Residual sugar: 0.3 g/l (glucose+fructose)
Total sulphites: 61 mg/l
pH: 3.05

Tasting notes

Complex and elegant nose with hints of brioche, creamy and roasted touches and an aniseed and ripe white fruit background. Creamy and full mouthfeel with a good acidity maintaining its freshness. The hints of ripe fruit and dried apricot return, with spicy citrus notes and a long and persistent aftertaste. Pairs well with oily fish like salmon and tuna and all types of rice dishes such as paella and risotto. Perfect partner for garlic and parsley cod and traditional hearty meat and vegetable dishes.


Peñín Guide:
2023: 92 points (2018 vintage)
2022: 93 points (2018 vintage)
2021: 93 points (2018 vintage)
2020: 93 points (2017 vintage)
2019: 93 points (2016 vintage)
2013: 92 points (2010 vintage)
2012: 92 points (2009 vintage)

Guia de Vins de Catalunya: 
2021: 9,21 points (2018 vintage)

Tassello d’Oro 2019:

Silver medal (2017 vintage)

Ecoracimo 2019:
Great gold medal (2017 vintage)

International Wine Awards 2019:
Gold medal (2017 vintage)

Catavinum 2017:
Gold medal (2011 vintage)